Colorado Rockies Fans Anxiously Await Byung-ho Park Bid Outcome


The Colorado Rockies, as you may know, have been linked to Korean baseball player Byung-ho Park. With the Rockies under new general manager Jeff Bridich, it seems as if the team is attempting to make a splash this offseason, currently in the running for the 29-year-old power-hitter.

Could you imagine the excitement that this signing would potentially bring, knowing the Colorado Rockies actually made an attempt to sign a top-tier free agent, let alone an international star. Yes, I understand the need of starting pitching and bullpen help for the matter, but this could be a huge signing moving forward, if Colorado’s farm indeed pans out.

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A number of teams dropped out of the Park sweepstakes Sunday afternoon, including the Giants, Padres, Braves, Marlins, D’Backs to name a few. According to what I’ve collected and gathered, the Colorado Rockies and the Pittsburgh Pirates are the frontrunners for the first baseman. Not to mention, I have the Philadelphia Phillies being a potential outsider in the equation.

As for the Pirates, I believe they are the so-called favorite. They have another Korean on their team for that matter, Jung-ho Kang who burst onto the scene this past season hitting .287 with 15 home runs and 58 RBI’s. Their current third baseman, Pedro Alvarez, is set to become in a free agent following the 2016 season. While his asking price might be high, Pittsburgh could then slide Kang over to third, assuming the everyday role.

If the Rockies were to win the bid, Park would assume the everyday role at first base, providing another power option and run producer for Colorado’s lineup. Then Colorado will have a decision to make with Ben Paulsen, whether or not to keep him as a bench player or make him expandable, meaning finding another home for him. I’d prefer Ben to be Colorado’s backup first baseman if Colorado could somehow win the Park sweepstakes, making Ben a solid number two option and pinch-hit candidate.

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Monday will be the day we find out the Byung-ho Park sweepstakes winner. So until then, keep your fingers crossed, Rockies’ fans.