Along with the Arenado sniping and feuding, the Rockies have also had a bit of a public relations nightmare with the termination of radio broadcaster Jerry Schemmel. We talked about Schemmel’s loss in this podcast and how it will impact fans in 2020 (and how we hope he’ll still be affiliated with the Rockies somehow).
Let’s make one thing very clear: The Rockies did not have anything to do with this layoff. The ax falling on Schemmel came from KOA Radio through their bosses at IHeartRadio. But no matter where the news came from, it still didn’t set well with Rockies fans.
Patrick Saunders of The Denver Post took to Twitter to try to once again explain the scenario.
That buzz was still loud and clear on Saturday, despite KOA announcing that Mike Rice would be taking over for Schemmel alongside longtime play-by-play man Jack Corrigan. Rice is no stranger to Rockies fans as he has filled in on the radio in the past and has done plenty with the Rockies and other sports at KOA.
Still, many fans were not and are not happy about the change.
That was the view of several Rockies fans I overheard on Saturday and have spoken with on the subject. Change has happened … and it hasn’t been received in the best way so far, it’s very obvious.