It has been a long time since the Colorado Rockies were in the World Series as it will be 15 years in 2022. Doesn’t seem like it was that long ago was it? A lot has changed in the world since then. The United States has had four Presidents since then (George W. Bush’s final year and change after the 2007 World Series, Obama, Trump, and now, Biden), technology has changed a lot, and we’ve had a pandemic.
Before we look back at what life was like back in 2007, the credit for this idea comes from our colleague Christopher O’Day at SoDo Mojo, our sister site that covers the Seattle Mariners. He did it for the Seattle Mariners and for the last time they made the playoffs (2001) so make sure you check his look at the world in 2001 out as well.
So let’s leap back to 2007.
The Colorado Rockies and 2007: Some modern technology started in 2007
At the very beginning of 2007 (January 9th, to be exact), the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that Apple was going to release the item that you are probably using to read this right now: The iPhone. Of course, there have been many generations since but the first generation of the iPhone was revealed in January. The first one is sold in the U.S. in June 2007.
The social media platform Tumblr was launched in February 2007 and the first-ever “hashtag” was used on Twitter in 2007 and the first-ever known publication of the word “hashtag” was also in 2007.