Current (6/4/21): 49 (T-2nd)
Leaders Ahead: Dexter Fowler (53) and Neifi Perez (49)
Triples needed for 1st Place: 4
Remaining Options High: 65
Remaining Options Likely: 53
Odds of #1: Probable
Likely Standing: 1st-2nd
Todd Helton Time High: 97
Todd Helton Time Likely: 69
Odds of #1: 100%
Likely Standing: 1st
Hey look, we finally found a statistic not led by Todd Helton. Unfortunately, this one was hard to estimate, because of COVID-19 and the shortened season we weren’t able to see if Blackmon could still hit triples as well as he did in 2019. This year will be a critical one for Charlie’s standing in this.
I believe though that he will pass Neifi Perez for second place this season, it could literally happen any day now. The question remains if he can pass Fowler. I am fairly confident that he can and will move into first place once his option years are over, but if he is in the club for four more years after that? Then there is no question who will wear the Triples Crown.