With talk that a plan could be presented this week for a restart to the 2020 season, Valentin and his team are keeping a close eye on what is to come, but they’re not taking their eye off the current day and the engagement they have built in these last few weeks as well.
That focus includes things such as the Rockies Mystery Takeover that has been featured on Sunday nights. Valentin calls it a “unique entertainment experience,” where someone or a group with a Colorado connection is teased with clues and then unveiled with a special social media moment, such as when Todd Park Mohr from Colorado’s Big Head Todd and the Monsters recently busted out a live song on the Rockies Twitter feed.
Being unique and staying that way has been a mantra for the Rockies social media accounts for quite some time, pandemic or not, Valentin said.
“We have some baseball working groups as well as people outside of baseball who I talk to and listen to for advice,” Valentin explained. “With that said, I think our voice and the way we approach social is so different than other people. It’s kind of apples and oranges in a lot of ways. I’m always looking at best practices and trying to figure out the best way to do things, but it always has to be in the framework of who we are and how we operate.”
With no baseball, social media has been a challenge to say the least. However, Valentin said that he hopes Rockies fans and the team can look back at these days soon with a sense of pride on what was built despite the quiet on the diamond.
“We have done a lot of listening to people who tell us about how they consume content and we try to enter those conversations in the right way,” he said. “I hope that people have appreciated our efforts.”