MLB All-Star Game 2014: Charlie Blackmon does Colorado Rockies’ fans proud


Colorado Rockies’ outfielder Charlie Blackmon is a fan favorite. He deserves every bit of the positive attention that he receives, and even if he did not get a hit in the 2014 MLB All-Star Game, he still made Rockies’ fans proud.

Why? Because he’s @Chuck_Nazty, of course. This man is built for the national spotlight. Please observe:

As for the game itself, Blackmon went 0-2. Unfortunately the circumstances were such that Blackmon came up with two outs in the 9th inning and made the final out against Minnesota Twins’ closer Glen Perkins. With the game behind him, Blackmon did a great job of keeping things in perspective about his first appearance. From, Blackmon talked about the nerves of the game:

"“Coming here is so different,” Blackmon said. “It took me a long time to get comfortable at the big-league level, then you feel comfortable. Then I came here and played in the All-Star Game and it felt like I was making my debut all over again. I was nervous until I got in the game. Once I got in there, I was fine.“I did a good job of taking a second, letting it sink in, looking around, seeing where I was, seeing who I was standing next to on the field. My favorite part was the flyover.“When you’re at an event where there’s an official flyover, you’re at something special.”"

I am being dead serious when I say that is the kind of insight that makes me a huge Blackmon fan.

Given the bumpy start to his career and the overcrowded situation in which Blackmon found himself to start 2014, one could have hardly imagined that he would be a selection for the 2014 All-Star Game. Maybe it is a one time thing or maybe it is a sign of things to come.

Either way, I cannot think of a member of Rockies for whom I would be happier for than Blackmon.