Todd Helton: The Real Toddfather


Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports

Todd Helton is three hits away from 2,500 for his career. He is also giving subtle acknowledgments that he will indeed retire at season’s end, though he still will not make an official announcement or partake in anything like a farewell tour. Still, we all understand what is likely to happen and are therefore starting to pay tribute to the greatest player in Colorado Rockies history. We cheer just a little bit louder when he comes through like he did with a two run home run in last night’s 6-1 victory over the San Francisco Giants.

It is in that context that I write today to ensure one thing: the “Toddfather” nickname belongs to Todd Helton and Todd Helton alone. With respect to Todd Frazier and Cincinnati Reds fans…just no. Stop it.

Todd Frazier is the not the Toddfather. Todd Helton is the Toddfather.

And this is not a generic nickname that just combines a guy’s name (i.e. CarGo). Yes, it is a pun on Godfather, but it is not meant to be used by multiple players.

It’s Todd Helton’s nickname. Period. Here is proof, if you need it (go to 4:32 of this video, via YouTube).