Rockies Stay Hot, Defeat Mets Behind Rosario’s Home Run


In their three victories over the New York Mets, the Colorado Rockies have surrendered a total of 5 runs. Besides reinforcing the old axiom that it’s “all about pitching,” this accomplishment has also allowed for something that was long overdue this season. It has given us a chance to fully appreciate how well some of the Rockies’ young players have performed, many of them in clutch situations.

Take Wilin Rosario. He crashed his 20th home run of the season last night to give the Rockies a late lead that they ultimately never surrendered. Of those 20 home runs, many prior to last night’s have been meaningless. You know, the kinds of home runs where you say to yourself, “Great swing, Wilin. Too bad you were already down 8 runs.” We can better appreciate what Rosario is doing when the team actually stays in the game past the 4th inning.

Jeff Francis, the champion of the hybrid paired pitching 4 man rotation thing, pitched well once again for the Rockies. There most certainly is a place for him on this team next season. My man Carlos Torres got it done in the piggyback role, available due to the fact he did not have to enter the game on Tuesday night. Matt Reynolds, Will Harris, and Rafael Betancourt did the rest of the work out of the bullpen to close out the victory.

The team did have one scare, as Dexter Fowler had to be helped off the field after rolling his ankle. One would hope that he can avoid the disabled list, but in the meantime, we should be in store for an even more motley lineup than we have already been treated to in the last week. Will the Rockies actually go from a 4 man bench to a 3 man bench? I would be snarky now about Jim Tracy or something, but right now it is hard to question what this team has been doing.

Gosh, baseball is weird.