Morning Dump — Wednesday, April 6th


Seven innings pitched, no runs, four K’s, and a ton of groundballs. If you would have given me that stat line before last night’s game, I would have gotten pissed. That damn Kershaw did it to us again! But, obviously, that was Chacin’s line. The second year pitcher outdueled a popular NL Cy Young pick. The best part: he didn’t even have his best stuff. Obviously it’s early, but the recent starts of Chacin and De La Rosa have given us much to get excited over. Everyone expected those two guys to be decent, but very few thought they’d be dominant. It looks like the Rox will be tough to beat when they have the top three in their rotation going.

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Speaking of the top of the rotation, the team is being extra cautious with Ubaldo’s cut cuticle. He may miss Friday’s start against the Pirates.

Once again, the Rockies played an outstanding defensive game. There were the typical ho-hum web gems by Tulo and CarGo, but the guy that impressed me most was Ty Wigginton. When the Rockies signed Wigginton, I thought they were sacrificing defense for offense. Fans that have watched him play over the years told us as much. However, he was a vacuum cleaner at third last night. He showed range that none of us knew he had. Early in the game he saved Chacin’s butt twice.

It makes me wonder if defense is contagious. Wiggy is playing next to the best defensive shortstop in baseball and right behind him is the best defensive left fielder in baseball. Perhaps he doesn’t want to be embarrassed. Either way, the left side of the Rockies defense was outrageous last night. Right now the Rox have three guys that can play plus defense at the hot corner. That is a manager’s dream.

After an 0-8 start to the season, Tulo switched his walk up song from Katy Perry to Justin Bieber. Obviously, it worked. More on this at a later date, but just know that I think about walk-up music a lot. It’s kind of weird actually.

Early season favorite for NL MVP? Chris Iannetta of course! Bull Hurley Iannetta got into one last night. He has never started a season off like this.

This is a little late, but Heaven and Helton is trying to remove the wave from Coors Field. Rox Pile is firmly behind this movement. There is nothing worse than some drunk idiot screaming at your section for 30 minutes. The wave reminds me of something that Brick Tamland from Anchorman would do — anybody starting one lacks the ability to think.

Finally, the Feds rested their case against Barry Bonds yesterday. As far as I can tell, they proved absolutely nothing. They spent millions trying to catch a professional baseball player in a lie. They had years to build the case, but they came up with squat. I have a huge problem with all of this. Surely, there is a better way to use these resources.

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